Training Contracts

Training Contracts in London, Watford, Bristol & Birmingham

Training Contracts at VWV

VWV is a firm with a long history which is continuing to evolve. If you secure a training contract with us, you will be given a high level of responsibility from the start. Your training contract will consist of 4 seats in a range of areas, depending on business need. Trainees are a vital part of the firm's future development and we currently offer training contracts in our London, Watford, Bristol and Birmingham offices.

As a trainee solicitor with us, you will benefit from:

  • Starting Salary from £34,000 in Bristol & Birmingham, £38,000 in Watford and £41,000 in London.
  • We will sponsor future trainees on the LLM Legal Practice (SQE1 & SQE2) at the University of Law
  • Sponsorship for LLM Legal Practice (SQE1 & SQE2) for future trainees who don't have the LPC
  • £4,000 grant to support you while you study.

Our Approach to Solicitors Qualifying Examination

  • The first trainees joining us on the SQE did so in September 2024.
  • We will sponsor future trainees on the LLM Legal Practice (SQE1 & SQE2) at the University of Law
  • Alongside the SQE, we'll continue to accept applications from candidates who have the LPC and would like to qualify through the traditional route
  • Applications for our 2025 Vacation Scheme and 2026 and 2027 Training Contracts are now closed. Applications for the 2026 Vacation Scheme and 2027 and 2028 Training Contracts will open towards the end of 2025 and close in early 2026.

Starting Salary


Study Grant

  • Take the Paralegal Route

    Most of our trainees start with us as a Paralegal before commencing a training contract, which we fully support and encourage. Working as a Paralegal before your training contract gives you the opportunity to get to know your colleagues, our systems and processes, and gives you the best start to your career with us.

  • Our Approach to SQE

    We are finalising our plans for rolling out the SQE but we envisage that the first trainees joining us on the SQE will do so by 2024. At this stage we anticipate launching alongside our traditional route to qualification before fully transitioning across to SQE.

Polite note to agencies - VWV has made the financial investment to employ an in-house recruitment team to adopt a direct sourcing strategy which supports the future growth of the firm. If on occasion agency support is required for any of our live vacancies, introductions will only be deemed accepted if the agency has agreed to VWV's recruitment terms through our Recruitment Manager, Emma Forrester. We'd please ask that you do not send unsolicited introductions to our Partners or anyone else in the firm. Should we engage with your candidate through our own direct sourcing means, we reserve the right not to be bound by your terms and conditions should you do so without our consent.